Thursday, December 26, 2013

Indonesia's Extreme Food

Hello again nice people, 

After sit down and relax enjoying the cool movie review, how about spending a little time to find snacks or foods around Indonesia?
But don't get bored easily, this time I'll take you around to have a sneak peak for some of the unique culinary of Indonesian's extreme foods.

A little flash info about Indonesian's statistic, which I believe has 34ish province, also the billions of islands, and, yeah..based on that statistic, you'll find many places to go, many unique and extreme experience and of-course foods around you.

Let's just check what do Indonesian's culinary has offered to dare your extreme adrenaline..

1. Botok Tawon / Coconut Coated Bees (made of bees (usually the larva of the bees) mixed with heated coconut wrapped with banana leaf) - East Java


2. Rujak Cingur (made of cows nose mixed with fresh vegetables and fried soya beans garnished with spices and nuts) - East java


3.  Lawar bali (made of  blood of pigs and pork mixed with spices, veggies wrapped with banana leaf) - Bali

4. Fried grasshoppers (They just happily fried the grasshoppers) - Gunung Kidul, Central Java

5. Peanut Brittle Moths / Rempeyek Laron (made of deep fried moths mixed with peanuts brittle and flour) - Central Java

6. Crocodile satay / Sate buaya (made of crocodile
medium rare or well done (if you like) barbeque cooked with soya sauce) - Jakarta and Kalimantan

7. Hedgehog satay / Sate Landak (made of hedgehog meats, medium rare barbeque cooked with soya sauce) - Manado, Sulawesi

For you who likes extreme challenges, how about give it a try and share your extreme culinary experience with others, because plenty people out there said that the taste were unbelievably delicious. 
As for me, I kinda prefer having my appetite only for the normal and boring food ;p 
I hope you enjoy the review, extreme and super people! :) Adieu.

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